About Us
Our vision
In the field of tabletop and dice games, we offer practical, innovative and high-quality 3D printed products to improve YOUR game.
At Prodicer, YOU are the focus. That's why honest feedback and close contact with player groups and tournament players are very important to us.
how it all started
Tabletop & role-playing games have been with me for half my life and I love designing and constructing things and am fascinated by the technology around 3D printers. The online shop and the Prodicer brand were created from these ingredients in early 2022, but the first plans and ideas had already taken place a year earlier. At that time I wanted to have a specific playing aid, but there was no product for it and not even a technical solution on the market. Therefore, as a tech-savvy problem solver and inventor, I set out on my own and today there are producers with a variety of different gadgets and tools. And there are more and more :)